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Experimental Study of Axial Stress-Strain Relationship of Cylindrical Concrete Elements Confined by CFRP under a Maintained Preload

The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete Session B – Controlled-performance Concrete

Memoria tratta da "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete: Session B – Controlled-performance Concrete", ACI IC - Ancona 2011

The behavior of concrete confined with FRP has been object of several investigations in the last years. The effect of the different types of fibers and resins, the thickness of the reinforced confinement and test specimens with different cross-sections, slenderness and scale effects was analyzed. Most of these studies for monotonic compression use a traditional procedure of placing the jacketing reinforcement on the concrete specimens before starting the test. This paper presents an alternative laboratory testing procedure, reproducing the real CFRT reinforcement of a building column. Twelve cylindrical specimens of ????150x300 mm have been subjected to different compression preload levels previous to introduce the CFRP jacketing, the axial and lateral creep evolution has been monitored with strain gauges, maintaining this constant preload for 2 days, then one layer CFRP jacketing was executed. During the polymerization process the preload level was maintained and the strain evolution was monitored. Finally the maximum compression stress of the specimen was evaluated. Stress-strain curves of different specimens were evaluated for different preload levels. These curves were compared with both non reinforced and non preloaded CFRP jacketed concrete specimens. 

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