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In aumento la fiducia dei consumatori negli USA sulle SMART GRID

Gli atteggiamenti favorevoli verso Smart Grid e la tecnologia Smart Meter Aumento nel 2012 20 maggio 2013 Come rollout di sistemi di rete e dei contatori intelligenti hanno accelerato negli Stati Uniti, utilities hanno lottato per comunicare efficacemente i benefici di queste tecnologie per i consumatori. Convincere gli utenti finali ad abbracciare questa tecnologia, comunicando le possibilità di una maggiore gestione energetica e la conservazione permette, è fondamentale per il successo a lungo termine dei programmi di utilità di rete intelligente. Secondo un sondaggio recente consumatore da Research Navigant, atteggiamenti favorevoli verso il concetto di smart grid, in generale, e verso i contatori intelligenti, in particolare, sono aumentati notevolmente nel 2012. Il quarantuno per cento dei consumatori intervistati hanno un atteggiamento "positivo" o "molto favorevole" verso reti intelligenti e contatori intelligenti, secondo il sondaggio. Questo è un aumento di dieci punti percentuali rispetto i risultati dal 2011 un'indagine di ricerca Navigant.

In crescita nel 2012 gli atteggiamenti favorevoli verso Smart Grid e la tecnologia Smart Meter

Secondo un sondaggio recente rivolto ai consumatori condotto da Research Navigant è stato registrato un aumento degli atteggiamenti favorevoli verso il concetto di smart grid, in generale, e verso i contatori intelligenti, in particolare.

Il 41% dei consumatori intervistati hanno evidenziato un atteggiamento "positivo" o "molto favorevole" verso le reti intelligenti e i contatori intelligenti, secondo il sondaggio, con un aumento di dieci punti percentuali rispetto ai risultati dal 2011.


Favorable Attitudes Toward Smart Grid and Smart Meter Technology Increased in 2012
May 20, 2013

As rollouts of smart grid systems and smart meters have accelerated in the United States, utilities have struggled to effectively communicate the benefits of these technologies for consumers. Convincing end-users to embrace this technology, by communicating the possibilities for greater energy management and conservation it enables, is critical to the long-term success of utility smart grid programs. According to a recent consumer survey from Navigant Research, favorable attitudes toward the concept of the smart grid in general, and toward smart meters in particular, increased noticeably in 2012.
Forty-one percent of the consumers surveyed have a “favorable” or “very favorable” attitude toward smart grid and smart meters, according to the survey. That is an increase of ten percentage points over the findings from Navigant Research’s 2011 survey.
“Less than ten percent of the respondents have an unfavorable opinion of smart grids and smart meters, which is an encouraging sign for utilities and policymakers,” says Neil Strother, senior research analyst with Navigant Research. “However, utilities still have a long way to go in persuading a majority of their customers that they should approach these technologies with enthusiasm.”
Consumer attitudes toward the smart grid vary in direct proportion to educational attainment and income level, the survey found. Nearly half of the respondents with graduate degrees have favorable opinions, while about 26 percent of those with only a high school degree showed positive responses. Similarly, more than 45 percent of people earning at least $75,000 have positive opinions of smart grids and smart meters.
The report, “Smart Grid Consumer Survey”, details findings from a web-based survey of 1,001 consumers in the United States. The study assesses consumer preferences, opinions, and awareness toward smart grid applications. More specifically, the report analyzes the dynamics of consumer demand, preferences, and attitudes toward several key smart grid product and service categories: smart grids and smart meters, home energy management, time-of-use pricing, renewable energy, prepaid electricity services, smart appliances, and demand response. Navigant Research’s detailed examination of demand dynamics is segmented by various demographic and behavioral characteristics. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2012 using a nationally representative and demographically balanced sample. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.

Contact: Richard Martin