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Pubblicato un interesante libro sulla PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA DELLE STRUTTURE IN ACCIAIO: Seismic Design,Steel Structures

Progettazione sismica di strutture in acciaio
Pubblicato da: CRC Press
Contenuto: 525 Pagine | 419 Illustrazioni
Lingua: inglese
Autori: Victor Gioncu, Federico Mazzolani
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·         Fa riferimento alle principali indagini e ricerche derivanti dalle lezioni apprese dopo i principali e tragici terremoti degli ultimi decenni (da Northridge, 1994 Tohoku, 2011)
·         Illustra strutture in acciaio sismicamente resistenti presenti in tutto il mondo, mostrando come buoni principi di progettazione portano a risultati di successo
·         Individua le lacune nelle conoscenze sugli effetti dei diversi tipi di terremoti
·         Identifica una relazione adeguata tra ingegneria sismica e dei terremoti
·         Fornisce un approccio metodologico che fa una netta distinzione tra regioni a forte sismicità e a bassa-moderata sismicità
·         Propone nuovi sistemi di connessione per le nuove strutture in acciaio sismicamente resistenti e per rinforzi, ma anche per la riqualificazione delle strutture esistenti in cemento armato
·         Analizza il problema del fuoco dopo il terremoto, che produce a volte più danni e morti che solo il terremoto aprendo la strada ad un nuovo campo di ricerca.

Providing real world applications for different structural types and seismic characteristics, Seismic Design of Steel Structures combines knowledge of seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. This book focuses on seismic design, and concentrates specifically on seismic-resistant steel structures.
Drawing on experience from the Northridge to the Tohoku earthquakes, it combines understanding of the seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. The book focuses on the global as well as local behavior of steel structures and their effective seismic-resistant design. It recognises different types of earthquakes, takes into account the especial danger of fire after earthquake, and proposes new bracing and connecting systems for new seismic resistant steel structures, and also for upgrading existing reinforced concrete structures.
Table of Contents
Failure of a myth
The myth of steel as a perfect material for seismic-resistant structures
Behavior of steel structures during American and Asian earthquakes
Behavior of steel structures during the European earthquakes
Engineering lessons learned from the last strong earthquakes
Steel against earthquakes
Steel as the material of choice for seismic areas
Development of steel structural systems
Challenges in seismic design
Gap in seismic design methodologies
Earthquake types
Strong seismic regions
Low-to-moderate seismic regions
Proposals for improving the new code provisions
New generation of steel structures
Improving existing solutions
New solutions of bracing systems
New solutions for connections
Advances in steel beam ductility
New concepts on structural ductility
DUCTROT-M Computer program
Monotonic available ductility
Local ductility under far-field earthquakes
Near-field earthquake effects on the available ductility of steel beams
Fire after earthquake
Structural behavior under the effect of fire
From the historical events to date
Post-earthquake fire and risk management
Computational aspects
Analysis assumptions
Structural behavior
Methodology for assessing robustness
Conclusive remarks
