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A Capri a fine settembre "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2016"

The event, organized by ACI Italy Chapter and the Dept. of Structures for Engineering and Architecture (University of Naples), represents the fourth edition of the Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete.

The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2016
September 29-October 1 2016 - Villa Orlandi, Capri Island - Italy

The event, organized by ACI Italy Chapter and the Dept. of Structures for Engineering and Architecture (University of Naples), represents the fourth edition of the Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete.

The workshop aims at collecting and disseminating the advanced results of scientific researches concerning the production, the application and the conservation of concrete and cementitious materials. It also aims at showing the innovative techniques of design, building and repair of concrete structures.

Among the others, the main topics of the workshop are the performance and life cycle costs evaluation, concrete quality control techniques during the production process and on site, the application of special cementitious materials, durability and sustainability of concrete structures.

The workshop is addressed at the Italian and the International scientific community but also at the most advanced industrial and professional representatives, in order to inspire the debate on critical issues concerning the structural concrete.

Main topics:

  • Performance and life-cycle costs of new concrete structures
  • Controlled-performance concrete
  • New scenarios for concrete
  • Concrete quality control on site
  • Strengthening and repair of concrete structures

The workshop is divided into five sessions, as follows:

  • Session A – Performance and life-cycle costs of new concrete structures
  • Session B – Controlled-performance concrete
  • Session C - New scenarios for concrete
  • Session D – Concrete quality control on site
  • Session E – Innovative strengthening systems for concrete structures

For each session up to 10 presentations of 15 minutes each are scheduled, concerning scientific papers preliminarily forwarded for the attention of the Scientific Committee. Each session will be introduced by an invited speaker.

The “call for papers” is open to all who are interested and would wish to submit a contribution strictly allied to one of the 5 themes above. Papers not orally presented may be entered as poster sessions.

Key Dates

  • Abstract Submission: 31 January 2016
  • Abstract Acceptance Notification: 29 Febraury 2016
  • Submission of Full Paper: 30 April 2016
  • Paper Acceptance Notification: 31 May 2016
  • Final Submission of Revised Papers: 30 June 2016
  • Conference: 29 September - 01 October 2016
  • Social Dinner: 30 September 2016

Registration Fees

  • Full delegate*:    400 €
  • ACI IC Members*: 350 €
  • Students*: 250 €
  • Accompanying persons**:    150 €

* includes participation, proceedings, 2016 subscription to the ACI Italy Chapter, one lunch, coffee-breaks, social dinner.
** includes one lunch, coffee-breaks, social dinner
The registration fee Is not refundable.
It covers the publication of just one accepted paper in the workshop proceedings and must be deposited, by means of bank transfer or Paypal payment on the workshop website (, not later than June 30, 2016.
Participants will receive a copy of the proceedings at the registration desk at the Workshop venue.

Organizing Commettee
Antonio Bilotta (University of Naples Federico II)
Gennaro Magliulo (University of Naples Federico II)
Emidio Nigro (University of Naples Federico II)
Roberto Realfonzo (University of Salerno)
Paolo Riva (University of Bergamo)

Scientific Commettee
Mario Alberto Chiorino (Polytechnic Univeristy of Turin)
Mario Collepardi (ENCO srl)
Luigi Coppola (University of Bergamo)
Ciro Faella (University of Salerno)
Liberato Ferrara (Polytechnic University of Milan)
Pietro Gambarova (Polytechnic University of Milan)
Giacomo Moriconi (Polytechnic University of Marche)
Antonio Nanni (University of Miami)
Giovanni Plizzari (University of Brescia)

Workshop Secretary
For information, please contact the Workshop Secretary Eng. Maddalena Cimmino at