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LARAM School 2013 - International School on ''LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation''

LARAM is an International School on “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” that was founded at the University of Salerno.

LARAM is an International School on "LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation" of the University of Salerno. The School is held annually and is aimed at 40 PhD students selected every year from those working in the field of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Geology or with a similar Engineering background. The School is residential.

Latest News - LARAM School 2013 (Salerno, Italy)
(last update 15 February, 2013)
Course dates: 2-14 September 2013
Venue: University of Salerno, Italy
The students will participate to the School free of charge, including half board accommodation (travel to/from Salerno not included)
Applications are NOW open for PhD students (more details)
Registrations are NOW open for Young PhD doctors (more details)
Deadline for Applications & Registrations: 31th May 2013