Fabio Romanelli
DMG - Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Università Degli Studi di Trieste
Contatti: Sito Web
Academic history:
1993 Laurea in Physics, University of Trieste (cum laude) 1998 PhD in Geophysics (IX Cycle)
2000 - Researcher (GEO/10) at the University of Trieste 1996 - 2000 Researcher at the GNDT- CNR (National Group for the Defense from Earthquakes) Courses taught, for the Academic Year 2017/2018: Seismology (GEO/10, 678SM, SM23 - LM Physics); Seismic and Volcanic Risk (FIS/07, 815SM, SM23 - LM Physics); Institutions of Physics for the Earth System (GEO/10, 138SM, SM20 - Physics) Physical Acoustics (FIS/01, 418ME-1, ME18 - Speech Therapy) • Editor (Solid Earth Sciences) of Pure and Applied Geophysics • EGU Officer: secretary (Surface waves) of the Seismology Division (until 2015) • Member of the Commissions “Effects of Earthquakes on Megacities” e “Strong Ground Motion, Earthquake Hazard and Risk” of IASPEI • Member of the Working Group “Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion” (now IASPEI) • Leader of the ASC-SHR Joint Working Group on Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Asian-Pacific Regions
Research topics:
• Seismic wave propagation, and modelling, in laterally heterogenous media • Seismic wave generation by extended sources • Tsunami propagation, and modelling, in laterally heterogenous oceanic media • Groundshaking scenarios and estimation of site effects • Definition of seismic input; estimation of parameters of engineering importance • Seismic and tsunami hazard • Study of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system. Surface wave tomography • Spectral properties of Love and Rayleigh differential operators. Sturm-Liouville systems