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A tool for non-linear analysis of concrete and r/c structures

A three-dimensional isotropic plastic-damage constitutive law developed to improve the program capabilities in simulating the concrete behaviour

Data di pubblicazione originale dell'articolo: 9/01/2014

This paper presents the development and the enhancement of Opensees introduced by the authors to make it an effective tool for non-linear analysis of concrete and R/C structures and for post-processing the outputs. A three-dimensional isotropic plastic-damage constitutive law developed by the authors has been implemented to improve the program capabilities in simulating the concrete behaviour. A R/C membrane element for two-dimensional problems and a R/C plate element for three-dimensional ones were defined and implemented. The reinforcing bars are simulated with a smeared approach such that multiple smeared layers with uniaxial stress-strain response can be simulated. A post-processing utility has been created permitting the interface with the pre- and post- processor GiD . Some showcases demonstrate both the ability of the model to simulate experimental tests and the potentiality of the enhanced OpenSEES for concrete and R/C inelastic analyses.

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This article is part of "Opensees Days Italy" - Modeling, Design and Analysis of Structures in Seismic Areas. Proceedings of the 1st Italian conference - Rome, 24-25 May 2012

The volume can be requested by writing to Massimo Grasso -

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Il presente articolo è tratto dagli atti di "OpenSees Days Italia" - La modellazione, il calcolo e l’analisi delle strutture in zona sismica.
Atti del 1° convegno italiano – Roma, 24-25 maggio 2012

Il volume può essere richiesto scrivendo a Massimo Grasso -
